THE ENFIELD HAUNTING played in the London’s West End in December 2023-March 2024. It was a commercial success playing to 97% capacity. In a recent press interview Paul said - “The Enfield Haunting that was reviewed wasn’t my play. I had walked away from the production after it had been cut and...

I have for a long time – ever since Jeremy Brock and I first came up with the idea for Casualty back in 1985 – been interested in how medicine is a really potent way for looking at the way the world works...

When he was 19, Paul was involved in a serious car crash. This is a piece he wrote for the Guardian in 2007....

“To move Levon would need a private jet and a plentiful supply of weed.” An article by Kate Lynn-Evans about the day in Woodstock when she and Paul met drummer Levon Helm, formerly with the Band....

A two-part drama commissioned by the BBC in 2006 about the BSE crisis. Not produced because the full horror that had been expected from BSE did not come to pass, yet....